赤: red壁: wall鏖兵: bloody battle鏖兵: [书面语] (激烈的或大规模的战斗) bloody battle赤壁: akakabe; chibi city; the war of the red cliff赤壁市: chibi city; puqi赤壁之: battle of red cliffs赤壁之战: battle of red cliffs; ch'ih-pi, battle of; the war of the red cliff一张赤壁图: tu juan血泊飞车(赤壁亡魂): naked spur,the国志二代之赤壁风云: warriors三国志二代之赤壁风云: warriors赤变: red赤变;红变: pinking赤柄: akatsuka赤膊: barebacked 打赤膊 be stripped to the waist赤膊上阵: go into battle stripped to the waist -- act undisguisedly; come out into the open; come out pugnaciously; come out without any disguise; step forward in person [take the field oneself] without any disguise; strip off all disguises [subterfuge] and come to the fore; throw away all disguise赤本: akamoto