

[ tānshēngpàsǐ ] 发音:   "贪生怕死"的汉语解释   用"贪生怕死"造句
  • cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; afraid to risk one's neck; be mortally afraid of death; care for nothing but saving one's skin; cling to life not withstanding dishonour; cowardly; cling to life and fear death; prefer life to dishonour
  • 偷生怕死:    cling to life and be scared of death; live dishonourably for fear of death
  • 贪生:    cravenly cling to life; care for nothing but saving one's skin
  • 生怕:    for fear that; so as not to; lest 生怕失败 for fear of failure; 生怕吵醒某人 be fearful of wakening sb.; 人们生怕这场大雪会中断铁路(运输)。 fears are entertained that the railway will be blocked by the snow
  • 怕死:    fear death; be afraid of death 一不怕苦, 二不怕死 fear neither hardship nor death; 怕死鬼 coward
  • 不怕死:    live karaoke; welcome danger


  1. He had certainly shown the white feather in his regiment .
  2. The soldiers proved themselves chicken-hearted and ran away .
  3. You think i feel like i deserve to be here
  4. Perhaps , too , the natural and instinctive love of life made me wish to avoid endangering my own
  5. " is it true that you were turned out of the regiment because you were afraid to fight a duel ? " she asked suddenly , apropos of nothing - and her eyes flashed
    “您是因为贪生怕死,害怕决斗,被人从步兵团赶出来的,是真的吗? ”她突然吹毛求疵地问道,两只眼睛闪闪发亮。


        偷生怕死:    cling to life and be scared of death; live dishonourably for fear of death
        贪生:    cravenly cling to life; care for nothing but saving one's skin
        生怕:    for fear that; so as not to; lest 生怕失败 for fear of failure; 生怕吵醒某人 be fearful of wakening sb.; 人们生怕这场大雪会中断铁路(运输)。 fears are entertained that the railway will be blocked by the snow
        怕死:    fear death; be afraid of death 一不怕苦, 二不怕死 fear neither hardship nor death; 怕死鬼 coward
        不怕死:    live karaoke; welcome danger
        怕死鬼:    coward
        含垢贪生:    allow oneself to be insulted in order to remain alive
        忍垢贪生:    allow oneself to be insulted to remain alive; endure all the humiliations in order to keep alive
        忍辱贪生:    allow oneself to be insulted (in order) to remain alive
        蝼蚁贪生:    even an ant struggles for life.; even an ant does not want to die
        生怕失败:    for fear of failure
        生怕失落的:    jealous
        小生怕怕:    till death do we scare; xiao sheng pa pa
        以免;生怕,唯恐:    for fear that
        不怕死的:    daredevil
        不怕死的人:    daredevil
        怕死不要睡:    pas de repos pour les braves
        他不怕死:    he did not fear to die
        我们不怕死:    we're not afraid to die
        我怕死了:    i'm scared to death
        忠臣不怕死:    a loyal servant of the state does not fear death
        生怕吵醒某人:    be fearful of wakening sb
        由于害怕, 生怕, 以免:    for fear
        由于害怕,生怕,以免:    for fear of
        贪食:    lycorexia; adephagia◇贪食症 akoria; acoria; insatiable hunger; polyphagia 贪食狂 sitiomania; 贪食癖 phagomania; oreximania; 贪食鲨 tibou tiburon; 贪食圆蚧 greedy scale; 贪食症 baulimia; bulimia
        贪食―厌食症:    bulimarexia


        贪生怕死的韩语:【성어】 목숨을 아끼고 죽음을 두려워하다; 비겁하게 죽음을 무서워하다.
        贪生怕死的俄语:[tānshēng pàsǐ] обр. дрожать за свою шкуру
        贪生怕死什么意思:tān shēng pà sǐ 【解释】贪:舍不得。贪恋生存,畏惧死亡。指对敌作战畏缩不前。 【出处】《汉书·文三王传》:“今立自知贼杀中郎曹将,冬月迫促,贪生畏死,即诈僵仆阳(佯)病,徼幸得逾于须臾。” 【示例】他们没有一个~而逃跑的,他们知道多一个人多一分力量。(曲波《林海雪原》二) 【拼音码】tsps 【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、宾语;含贬义 【英文】be mortally af...


  1. "贪求无厌的"英文
  2. "贪求影响的转移"英文
  3. "贪色欲"英文
  4. "贪舌鱼科"英文
  5. "贪生"英文
  6. "贪食"英文
  7. "贪食―厌食症"英文
  8. "贪食;食欲过盛"英文
  9. "贪食巴洛西"英文
  10. "贪食不饱"英文


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