

  • pas de repos pour les braves
  • 怕死:    fear death; be afraid of dea ...
  • 不要:    don't
  • :    sleep
  • 死不要脸:    be dead to shame; be devoid of shame; extremely shameless; lose all sense of shame
  • 怕死:    fear death; be afraid of death 一不怕苦, 二不怕死 fear neither hardship nor death; 怕死鬼 coward


        怕死:    fear death; be afraid of dea ...
        不要:    don't
        :    sleep
        死不要脸:    be dead to shame; be devoid of shame; extremely shameless; lose all sense of shame
        怕死:    fear death; be afraid of death 一不怕苦, 二不怕死 fear neither hardship nor death; 怕死鬼 coward
        死不:    would rather die than; stubbornly refuse to 死不认错 stubbornly refuse to admit one's mistake
        不怕死:    live karaoke; welcome danger
        怕死鬼:    coward
        还要睡吗?:    are you sleeping
        我要睡觉了:    i wanted to go to bed
        需要睡一下:    need a little sleep
        不怕死的:    daredevil
        不怕死的人:    daredevil
        他不怕死:    he did not fear to die
        贪生怕死:    cravenly cling to life instead of braving death; afraid to risk one's neck; be mortally afraid of death; care for nothing but saving one's skin; cling to life not withstanding dishonour; cowardly; cling to life and fear death; prefer life to dishonour
        偷生怕死:    cling to life and be scared of death; live dishonourably for fear of death
        我们不怕死:    we're not afraid to die
        我怕死了:    i'm scared to death
        忠臣不怕死:    a loyal servant of the state does not fear death
        死不了:    die hard; portulacasundialatypeofplant
        不要:    don't 不要麻痹大意。 don't slacken your vigilance. 不要总是以为自己对。 don't think you are always right. 不要大声喧哗! don't speak in a loud voice!; dont't make noise! 不要游手好闲。 don't idle about
        不生不死不死不生:    no life no death
        半死不活:    half-dead; more dead than alive
        半死不活的:    deadalivee
        不死不活:    neither dead nor alive; half dead; in an awkward position; lifeless; lethargic


  1. "怕什麽"英文
  2. "怕事"英文
  3. "怕事人"英文
  4. "怕是"英文
  5. "怕死"英文
  6. "怕死鬼"英文
  7. "怕松分布"英文
  8. "怕他三分"英文
  9. "怕体态发福"英文
  10. "怕瓦打"英文


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