贡献: contribute; dedicate; devote ...献身: devote oneself to; dedicate ...给: supply; provide题词: write an inscription inscrip ...题词: 1.(指写) write an inscription2.(指题的词) inscription; dedication3.(序文) foreword献身: devote oneself to; dedicate oneself to; give one's life for 为国献身 the great sacrifice; 为人民服务的献身精神 devoted service to the people; 献身于四化 devote oneself to the four modernizations; 她毫无保留地献身于这伟大的事业。 she has devoted herself unreservedly to the great cause.; 献身精神 devotion; dedication贡献: contribute; dedicate; devote; contribution 贡献大小 size of one's contribution; 贡献自己的一份力量 contribute one's share; do one's bit (for); 对某事有所贡献 contribute to sth.; 他决心把毕生精力贡献给科学事业。 he is determined to devote his life to sicence. 中国应当对人类作出较大贡献。 china ought to make a greater contribution to humanity自身给药: drug self-administration; self administration标题词: heading主题词: descriptor; descrptor; key word; keyword; subject terms; subject word (subject heading)自身给药实验: self administration experiment献身;虔诚: devotion献身报: al fida; al fidda; fida al; fidda al; fidda, al献身的: dedicated; devoted; sacrificially; self-denying献身于: commit oneself to; dedicate oneself to; devote oneself to; devote(devotion) oneself to; devoted献身者: dedicator; devotee碑文,题铭,题词: epigraph副主题词: subheadings亲笔题词: write an inscription (for sb.)题词纪念册: autograph album医学主题词: medical subject headings; mesh主题词表: thesaurus主题词轮排: permuted on subject headings(菲达伊)献身者: fida’i交托献身: commitment