- write an inscription (for sb.)
- 亲笔: in one's own handwriting; in ...
- 题词: write an inscription inscrip ...
- 亲笔题赠的: with autographed dedication with autographed presentation; with autographed dedication, with autographed presentation
- 题词: 1.(指写) write an inscription2.(指题的词) inscription; dedication3.(序文) foreword
- 亲笔: 1.(亲笔写) in one's own handwriting; in one's own hand2.(亲笔写的字) one's own handwriting 这幅对联是父亲的亲笔。 this antithetical couplet is my father's handwriting.; 亲笔签名 sign manual; one's own signature; autograph; 亲笔文件 holograph; 亲笔信 an autograph letter; letter in one's own handwriting; 亲笔遗嘱 holographic will; 亲笔证书 holograph; 亲笔字据 chirograph