

发音:   "豺狼野心"的汉语解释   用"豺狼野心"造句
  • (比喻坏人狠毒) sinister intentions
  • 豺狼:    jackals and wolves; cruel an ...
  • 野心:    wild ambition; careerism
  • 豺狼:    jackals and wolves; cruel and evil people
  • 豺狼的:    of the jackal
  • 豺狼人:    gnoll


        豺狼:    jackals and wolves; cruel an ...
        野心:    wild ambition; careerism
        豺狼:    jackals and wolves; cruel and evil people
        野心:    wild ambition; careerism 狂妄的野心 audacious ambition; 政治野心 political ambition; 实现霸占全球的野心 achieve a global ambition; 他的野心毫无止境。 his ambition is unbounded. 他的野心没有得逞。 his ambition was not satisfied. 她没有个人野心。 she has no personal ambition.; 野心狼 a vicious wolf; a person of wicked ambition
        豺狼的:    of the jackal
        豺狼人:    gnoll
        豺狼座:    lupus (constellation); lupus (lup)
        富野心:    lucretia
        天野心:    kokoro amano
        雄心,野心:    ambition
        野心的:    anal-expulsive; go-getting
        野心家:    careerist; adventurist; ambitious schemer 资产阶级野心家 a bourgeois careerist
        野心狼:    a vicious wolf
        有野心:    ambitious
        比豺狼还狠:    more savage than a wolf
        豺狼般的:    wolfish
        豺狼成性:    wolfish-hearted; rapacious and ruthless; as brutal as beasts; be fierce and cruel in disposition as a jackal or a wolf; wolfish
        豺狼戴尔:    dwolf
        豺狼当道:    wolves stop the road -- evil men usurping authority.; bad person in power; jackals and wolves hold sway.; the cruel and the wicked are in power.; a wolf stands astride road.; a wolf stands in the way
        豺狼的日子:    the day of the jackal
        豺狼帝国:    the empire of the wolves; the empire of wolves
        豺狼虎豹:    wolves, tigers and leopards; the tigers, leopards, wolves and other beasts of prey; tigers and wolves
        豺狼计划:    cry wolf; the jackal plan
        豺狼卡洛斯:    carlos the jackal
        豺狼末日:    schakal, der; the day of the jackal; the jackal




        拼音:chái láng yě xīn
        注音:ㄔㄞˊ ㄌㄤˊ ㄧㄜˇ ㄒㄧㄣ



        • 【拼音】:chái láng yě xīn
        • 【解释】:比喻坏人的狠毒用心。


  1. "豺狼入室"英文
  2. "豺狼首领"英文
  3. "豺狼陷井"英文
  4. "豺狼陷阱"英文
  5. "豺狼星座"英文
  6. "豺狼之日"英文
  7. "豺狼之心"英文
  8. "豺狼座"英文
  9. "豺狼座的"英文
  10. "豺类黑背豺"英文


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