

发音:   用"询问证人"造句
  • inquire/question a witness
  • inquire/questionawitne
  • 询问:    ask about; enquire
  • 证人:    evidence; rapper; testation; ...
  • 查问证人:    interrogate a witness
  • 覆问证人:    re-examine a witness
  • 讯问证人:    examination of witness; examine a witness; interrogate a witness; interrogation of a witness; query a witness


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Incorrect methods and its prevention in inquiring witness
  2. The judges may question the witnesses and expert witnesses
  3. Witnesses shall be questioned individually
  4. And what are you gonna do " on deck " ? - question a witness
    -那么你准备留在这里做什么? -询问证人
  5. The judge asked the witness where the accused had been during the accident


        询问:    ask about; enquire
        证人:    evidence; rapper; testation; ...
        查问证人:    interrogate a witness
        覆问证人:    re-examine a witness
        讯问证人:    examination of witness; examine a witness; interrogate a witness; interrogation of a witness; query a witness
        口头讯问证人……:    examining witnesses . . . viva voce
        审问证人委托书:    commission to examine witness
        讯问证人和审查……文件:    examine any witness and
        询问本方证人:    examination-in-chief
        证人预先询问:    precognition
        律师费两个小时的时间讯问证人:    the lawyer took two hours to interrogate the witness
        律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人:    the lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness
        证人:    evidence; rapper; testation; witness 证人的作证资格 competence of witness; 可信的证人 a credible witness; 普通证人 a lay witness; 律师们花了两个小时的时间讯问证人。 the lawyers took two hours to interrogate the witness.; 证人对质 [法律] confrontation of both sides; 证人席 witness-box; witness stand
        对到庭的证人预先所成的询问:    examination of the voir dire
        询问:    1.(征求意见; 打听) ask about; enquire 询问病状 enquire [inquire] about sb.'s illness; 询问健康 inquire after sb.'s health; 询问商情 enquiry for merchandise; 询问机器的效能 ask about the efficiency of the machine; 向某人询问某事 make inquiries of sb. about sth.; 昨天晚上父亲询问我的学习情况。 my father asked me about my studies yesterday evening.2.[法律] examination3.[电子学] inquiry; question; interrogation; query; interrogating; challenge; challenging signal; 询问处 inquiry office
        主问证据:    evidence in chief
        保证人:    bailsman; bondsman; guarantee, guarantor; security; sponsor; underwriter; voucher; warranter; warrantor; witness
        被证人:    guarantee
        持证人:    holder (of certificate)
        传证人:    summon a witness infect
        发证人:    issuer; licensor
        干证,证人:    siden
        公证人:    notary public; notary◇公证人证明书 surveyor's certificate; 公证人资格 notaryship
        核证人:    certified officer; certifying officer
        假证人:    false witness


  1. "询问预定计划"英文
  2. "询问站"英文
  3. "询问者"英文
  4. "询问者的"英文
  5. "询问整批传送系统"英文
  6. "询问职业"英文
  7. "询问执行"英文
  8. "询问执行任务情况"英文
  9. "询问执行任务情况;汇报;测井成果的验收"英文
  10. "询问中断"英文


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