

发音:   用"询问者的"造句
  • inquisitorial


  1. All he needed was the subject to be discussed , or the inquiring person ' s name , address , and whereabouts , a conductor to make suggestions and ask the questions , and a stenographer to take it all down


        询问:    ask about; enquire
        :    4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
        询问者:    inquirer the; inquisitor; querist; questioner
        国家询问者:    national enquier
        知识询问者:    knowledge interrogators
        菲律宾询问者:    philippine inquirer
        菲律宾每日询问者报:    philippine daily inquirer
        询问来电者的名字:    asking a phone caller’s name
        询问来电者的身份:    inquiring about the caller’s identity
        询问:    1.(征求意见; 打听) ask about; enquire 询问病状 enquire [inquire] about sb.'s illness; 询问健康 inquire after sb.'s health; 询问商情 enquiry for merchandise; 询问机器的效能 ask about the efficiency of the machine; 向某人询问某事 make inquiries of sb. about sth.; 昨天晚上父亲询问我的学习情况。 my father asked me about my studies yesterday evening.2.[法律] examination3.[电子学] inquiry; question; interrogation; query; interrogating; challenge; challenging signal; 询问处 inquiry office
        被问者:    interrogee
        发问者:    asker; question-master
        访问者:    accessor; interviewer; visitor
        盘问者:    pump
        审问者:    interrogator; questioner; trier
        探问者:    pryer
        提问者:    questioner; requester; the question
        慰问者:    comforter
        寻问者:    enquirer
        讯问者:    interrogator
        质问者:    heckler; interrogator; querist; questioner; quizzer
        被访问者:    callee
        访问者地址:    visitor address
        访问者模式:    visitor pattern
        国家寻问者:    national enquirer the; national enquirer, the


  1. "询问语言研究"英文
  2. "询问语言语义学"英文
  3. "询问预定计划"英文
  4. "询问站"英文
  5. "询问者"英文
  6. "询问整批传送系统"英文
  7. "询问证人"英文
  8. "询问职业"英文
  9. "询问执行"英文
  10. "询问执行任务情况"英文


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