The use of standard gray scale and color targets in the scene is required for correct camera exposure and positive printing . 在景物中设置标准灰阶标板和彩色靶标,其目的是为了确定正确的曝光量和正片印制。
Gets or sets the preferred encoding for standard output 获取或设置标准输出的首选编码。
Standard for setting of town environmental sanitation facilities 城镇环境卫生设施设置标准
Standard for location of urban environmental sanitation facilities 城市环境卫生设施设置标准
Research on design standard of desilting basin in lift irrigated project 提灌工程沉沙池设置标准的研究
设置: establish; set up; put up bu ...标准: standard; criterion; benchma ...设置标志: set a flag设置标记时间: set marker time地区设置标识码: locale identifier; localeid服务设置标识符: ssi: service set identifier; ssid: service set identifier区域设置标识符: locale identifier选择框设置标签: fcheckbox.setlabel()配置标准饲料: satandard fodder mixtures标准广义置标语言: standard generalized markulanguage标准通用置标语言: sgml standard generalized markulanguage; standard generalized markulanguage程序与布置标准: standards for procedures and arrangements网络设备配置标准: network equipment building standards弹压按钮设置标记值: fpushbutton.setlabel选择框设置标签放置元素: fcheckbox.setlableplacement()标准酒吧设置: full bar set up电缆拼接装置标准导则: standard guide for cable splicing installations易燃品喷洒装置标准: standard for spray application using flammable or combustible materials标准广义置标语言,标准广义标记语言: sgml; standard generalized markulanguage标准通用置标语言,标准广义标高语言: sgml标准机器设置工时: standard set uhour不掉蜘是标准设置: non drop frame非标准设备设置: nss non standard facilities set-up超文本置标语言,超文本标记语言标准: html hyper text markulanguage镁颗粒和粉末的存储、处理和处置标准: standard for the storage, handling and processing of magnesium solids and powders