设置: establish; set up; put up bu ...变量: variable; variable quantity; ...设置变数: set variable未初置变量: uninitialized variable位置变量: location variable重新设置变形控制: reset transformations环境变量中设置: dircmd设置: 1.(设立) set up; put up 设置专门机构 set up a special organization; 课程设置 courses offered in a college or school; curriculum; 这座剧院是为儿童设置的。 this theatre is set up for children.2.(设置) install; fit 会场里设置了收音机和扩音器。 the conference hall was installed with radio set and megaphone.; 设置成本 set-up cost; 设置传动比指令 gear ratio order; 设置误差 step-up error;设置信号 signalization内置变焦镜: built-in zoom前置变项: anticedent variable使位置变换: fleet位置变化: position change位置变送器: position transmitter位置变体: positional variant变量: [数学] variable; variable quantity; alternating quantity◇变量范围 range of variables; variable range; 变量函数 variable function; 变量系数 variation coefficient设置(设置): wasettings (settings) wap电刷位置变化: brush position change; brushpositionchange位置变动范围: position range位置变换装置: position changing device悬挂装置变形: distortion of suspension油门位置变化: throttle change操纵位置变换开关: control station change over switch偏转装置变压器: deflection transformer位置变换性眼震: position change nystagmus原点偏置变址寻址: zero offset indexed addressing