The five - day trip starting tuesday is the first step to follow through on the dprk ' s recent agreement with the us to disclose and disable all its nuclear facilities by the end of the year 为期五天的访问始于周二,这是遵循朝美近期达成的年底关闭并拆除所有核设施协议的第一步。
A celebrated red - tailed hawk evicted last week from his upscale new york digs can move back to the ritzy apartment building where his nest was perched following an agreement on safety arrangements , building management said on tuesday night 本周二12月14日晚,该公寓大楼的物业管理机构表示,随着改善安全设施协议的达成,它现在可以重新搬回建在这座豪华大厦里的“小巢”了。
设施: installation; facilities协议: agree on设施协定: facility agreement保障措施协议: agreement on safeguards全国康复设施协会: national association of rehabilitation facilities特殊慰安设施协会: raa体育设备与设施协会: association internationale équ; sports equipment and facilities associations体育与娱乐设施协会: iaks补贴与反补贴措施协议: agreement on subsidies and countervailing measures实施动植物卫生检疫措施协议: agreement on the application of sanitary and phytosanitary measures; sps与贸易有关的投资措施协议: agreement on trade-related investment measures; trade realted investment measures; trims欧洲重要联合运输线及有关基础设施协定: european agreement on important combined transport lines and related infrastructure设施: installation; facilities 防洪设施 flood control installations; 集体福利设施 collective welfare institutions; 军事设施 military installations; 文化教育设施 cultural and educational institutions; 军事设施 medical facilities; 临时准备食宿设施 improvise lodging and eating facilities; 改善安全设施 better safety facilities; 基础设施 infrastructure; infrastructural facilities; 我们城市需要更多的娱乐设施。 our city needs more facilities for recreation协议: 1.(协商) agree on 一致协议的文件 a document unanimously agreed upon2.(协商取得的一致意见) agreement; understanding; treaty; deal; composition 口头协议 verbal agreement; 达成协议 reach an agreement; come to an agreement; 撕毁协议 tear up an agreement特别措施协调员: coordinator for special measures协议栈,协议组: protocol stackclicom设施: clicom facility核设施: nuclear facilities设备,设施: facilities fac设施,机构: einrichtung, die; - en设施;场馆: facility设施的: dce/dte设施股: facilities unit设施图: facility map设施组: furniture cluster