It is not only contrary to the development direction of wto , but also does harm to the stabilization of wto 它的适用不仅和wto 《保障措施协议》的发展方向相悖,而且也会给wto的稳定性带来更大的隐患。
The current wto safeguard measure system mainly includes two parts , " gatt1994 " which reached in agreement in uruguay in 1994 Wto现行的保障措施制度主要包括两个部分,即《 gatt1994 》第19条和1994年在乌拉圭回合达成的《保障措施协议》 。
Wto stipulates clearly the legal status of grey area measures by forbidding the application of grey area measures in the agreement on grey area measures Wto明确了“灰色区域”措施的法律地位,在《保障措施协议》中明确禁止了“灰色区域”措施的适用。
At the same time wto agreement on safeguards establishes strict provisions for implementing and procedural conditions to guide the application of member states 同时, wto保障措施协议也规定了严格的实体规则和程序规则,规范各国的保障措施实践,以使保障措施不被滥用。
Because of the foundation of safeguard agreement in 1994 , the controversy came to an initial conclusion that safeguard measures cannot be implemented selectively in principle 纷争因1994年《保障措施协议》的缔结而有了初步结论,即原则上保障措施实施不得带有选择性。