计算: count; compute; calculate; r ...要素: essential factor; key elemen ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...长度: length; longitude; size; ext ...输出: export为: support; stand for新: new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...属性: attribute; nature; property; ...元素的属性: attribute of an element提取列表中指定位置的元素成为要素的属性: listindexer demotes the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main attributes of the feature改变网页元素的属性: change property预算要素: budget element以码计算的长度: yardage要素的: elemental必要的属性: required attribute表示有…的属性: al产品的属性: product attributes量的属性: quantitative attribute神的属性: the divine attributes石油的属性: nature of petroleum事物的属性: affection; attribute of things文件的属性: attrib系统的属性: features of system线的属性: character of line阴的属性: attribute of yin