要素: essential factor; key elemen ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...要素的排列: arrangement of elements生产要素的互换性: factor substitution要素的供给弹性: elasticity of supply of factor节约生产要素的技术革新: factor saving innovation; factor-saving innovation生产要素的不平衡增长: biased factor growth生产要素的所有权状况: conditions of ownership of factors of production生产要素的最低成本: least factor costs for producing; least factor-costs for producing要素的土壤形成过程: elementary pedogenetic process作为一种生产要素的资本: capital as a factor of production所控制的要素的数量,要素如系统发布: deliverable素的: plain计算要素的长度,输出为新的属性: lengthcalculator calculates the length of a feature and adds it as a new attribute论企业诚信要素的空间构成模式: the space structure of business trust factors要素: essential factor; key element; part; element; factor提取列表中指定位置的元素成为要素的属性: listindexer demotes the attributes of the list element specified by the index to become main attributes of the feature毒素的: of venom; toxinic二素的: dyadic互素的: mutually prime激素的: endocrine; hormonal; hormonic酵素的: enzymatic卤素的: halogenic; haloid尿素的: ureal硼素的: boric