Discussion on the standard management of plan burning 计划烧除技术规范化管理的探讨
A quantitative study of soil and water loss resulted from planned burning 计划烧除引起水土流失的定量研究
Discussion on plan burning in hill or plain forest areas of yichuan county 伊川丘陵平原林区计划烧除技术探讨
Controlled prescribed burning 计划烧除废材
Tests in korean pine seed stands in linkou forest bureau have approved that prescribed burning is an effective measure for the prevention of forest fires and the safety of korean pine seed stands , as well as for the control of forest diseases and insects and the promotion of the tree growth 林口林业局通过对红松母树林下的细小可燃物进行计划烧除实验,证明这种方法不但是预防森林火灾、保证红松母树林安全的有效措施,而且还可消除森林病害虫和增加林木生长量。