计划: plan; project; programme; de ...审查: examine; investigate; check规划审计, 程序审查: program auditing基本建设计划审计: capital construction program audit国家粮食援助规划审查: country food aid planning review批准的计划审定的图纸: approved plan交通流动资金占用计划审计: audit of occupancy plan of traffic current capital批准的设计批准的计划审定的图纸: approved plan审查: examine; investigate; check 接受审查 undergo examination; 审查属实。 the fact was established after investigation.; 审查程序 audit program; 审查电键 censor key; cut key规划审计: programming audit划审批程序: procedure for approval of urban plan策划审计业务: fplan engagementss规划审批程序: procedure for approval of urban plan审查,审查员: censorn./vt检查,审查: go over; inspect审查, 修正: vetting审查,审计: audit审查……申索: examine the claims审查……证供: examine evidence审查,编缉: editing审查,分析: o audits and analyses审查,检查: censor; inspection审查,验厂: audit审查部: credit department审查处: oapr