计划: plan; project; programme; de ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有: 5年 fifteen years预谋: premeditate; deliberate; pla ...有预谋的停业: contrived ce ation of busine; contrived cessation of business一次有预谋的行动: a deliberate action预先计划好的: forethought预谋的: aforethought; premeditated; prepense恶意的,预谋的: malicious无预谋的: unpremeditated预谋的恶意: malice prepence预先计划好: plan well in advance事前参与预谋的从犯: accessary before the fact计划好了再动手干: map it out before you start预谋: premeditate; deliberate; plan beforehand; plan in advance 一次有预谋的行动 a deliberate action; 预谋报复 deliberately plan a revenge; 预谋犯罪 calculated crime; 预谋杀人 premeditated murder; murder with malice prepense; 预谋者 premeditator我计划好每一次行程: i planned each charted course我计划好要请你吃饭的: i planned on buying you dinner项目计划的有效性: effectiveness in project planning; effectiveness, in project planning协调好的计划: coordinated programs姿势好的有经验的骑手: an experienced rider with a good seat是多人的有计划的集会: assembly共谋的: collusive密谋的: put-up无谋的: inconsiderate阴谋的: conspiratorial/designing; designing