阴谋: plot; scheme; conspiracy的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...搞阴谋的人: ken5spirete kenspiretl我已厌倦成为阴谋的受害者: i'm tired of bein' the victim of shame阴谋: plot; scheme; conspiracy 参与政变阴谋 take part in a conspiracy for coup d'état; 阴谋篡权 scheme to usurp power; 阴谋复辟 plot to restore the old order; 揭露阴谋 expose an intrigue [plot; scheme]; 扩张阴谋 expansionist scheme; 阴谋推翻政府 conspire to overthrow the government; 阴谋推翻政府罪 offense of conspiring to overthrow the government; 外交阴谋 a diplomatic intrigue; 阴谋武装叛乱罪 offense of plotting an armed rebellion; 挫败阴谋 defeat a plot; 你们在策划什么阴谋? what plot are you brewing? 警察当局破获了一起阴谋抢劫案。 the police have uncovered a scheme of robbery.; 阴谋集团 conspiratorial clique; 阴谋家 schemer; intriguer; conspirator; 阴谋破坏 plot sabotage; 阴谋手段 conspiratorial means共谋的: collusive密谋的: put-up无谋的: inconsiderate预谋的: aforethought; premeditated; prepense参谋的一员: staffer恶意的,预谋的: malicious勾结的,共谋的: collusive无计谋的: shiftless无谋的贪欲: reckless greed无预谋的: unpremeditated有计谋的: politic预谋的恶意: malice prepence足智多谋的: heads-up; resourceful比阴谋: the wilby conspiracy大阴谋: all the presidents men; conspiracytheory; dress gray; exe( 471,k)搞阴谋: intrinsic intrinsic阴谋, 诡计: designs阴谋,吸引: intr阴谋币: server 3阴谋家: conspirator; jesuitmachinatorschemer; schemer