计价: valuation估价过低: undervalued喊价过低: underbid叫价过低: underbid评价过低: under rate; undervaluation; undervalue计价过高: over valuation计价: valuation 计价过低 under valuation; 计价过高 over valuation; 对 ... 进行计价 gauge the value of ...; judge the value of ...; 计价单位 charge unit; 计价基础 valuation basis甲过低: low in the withers标价过高: overprice定价过程: price-setting process定价过高: over-pricing估价过高: overcapitalize; overrate; overvalued估价过高, 台高: over stated将……标价过高: overprice评价过高: overestimate; overrate评价过高的: having too high a value placed on it索价过高: overprice讨价过高: overcharge要价过多: surcharge要价过高: overcharge; surcharge议价过程: bargaining process不计价: without charge; without cost; without obligation计价,估价: valuation计价;估值: valuation计价秤: account balance; price-computing instrument; pricing scale; qe-pc24b