计价: valuation对比: contrast; comparison; balanc ...帐户: account对比帐户: mutually off setting accounts; mutually offsetting accounts计价对比账户: matching accounts计价帐户: qualifying reserve,valuation account; valuation account抵销计价帐户: contra valuation account对销计价帐户: contra valuation account; contra-valuation account计价: valuation 计价过低 under valuation; 计价过高 over valuation; 对 ... 进行计价 gauge the value of ...; judge the value of ...; 计价单位 charge unit; 计价基础 valuation basis价对应: valence correspondence对比: 1.(相对比较) contrast; comparison; balance 明显的对比 a flagrant contrast; 强烈的对比 a poignant contrast; 有力的对比 forceful contrast; 把鸟和鱼作对比 contrast birds with fishes; 构成鲜明的对比 form a sharp contrast; 今昔对比 contrast the present with the past; 使(力量等) 对比有利于 ... tip the balance in favour of ...; 作者在本书中, 把善与恶作了对比。 in this book the writer contrasts good with [and] evil.2.(比例) ratio 双方人数对比是一对四。 the ratio between the two sides is one to four.; 对比错觉 contrast illusion; 对比等温线 reduced isothemal; 对比定律 contrast law; 对比方程 reduced equation; 对比放大 contrast amplification; 对比分析 comparative analysis; 对比灵敏度 contrast sensitivity; contrast sensibility; 对比率 contrast ratio; 对比粘度计 viscomparator; 对比染剂 contrast stain; 对比染色法 contrast staining; 对比色 contrast colour; 对比试验 contrast test; 对比体积 [热学] reduced volume; 对比图 collation map; 对比温度 reduced temperature; 对比效应 contrast effect; 对比压强 [热学] reduced pressure; 对比研究 contrast studies; 对比语言学 contrastive linguistics; 对比值 [热学] reduced value [property]; 对比状态 corresponding state估价对象: appraisal object有价对价: valuable consideration照货价对折: reduce the price by one half folio帐户: account 非贸易帐户 noncommercial account; 往来帐户 book account; 在银行开立帐户 open an account with a bank; 帐户分类 account classification; 帐户号码 account number; 帐户结余 account balance; 帐户名称 account title; 帐户年度 account year策略等价对策: strategically equivalent game不计价: without charge; without cost; without obligation计价,估价: valuation计价;估值: valuation计价秤: account balance; price-computing instrument; pricing scale; qe-pc24b计价器: taximeter计价日: pricing day涨价对生活的影响: la times article按成本计价: valuation at cost按堆计价: bundled price