

发音:   用"触及灵魂"造句
  • touch one to his very soul
  • 触及人们的灵魂:    touch people to their very souls
  • 止住信仰的血,以及灵魂的呻吟:    the blood of christ, or the beat of my heart
  • 触及:    (触动到) touch 触及旧创 reopen [rip up] old scores; 触及灵魂 touch one to his very soul; touch sb.'s innermost being; 触及痛处 hit where it really hurts; touch a person on the raw; touch sb. where it hurts; touch the tender place; touch to the quick; 触及心弦 touch the right chord; 触及人们的灵魂 touch people to their very souls; 触及事物的本质 get to the essence of a matter; 这本书仅仅触及而没有深刻揭示封建社会的主要矛盾。 the book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society, it does not go into it deeply
  • 灵魂:    soul; spirit; thought 纯洁的灵魂 a pure and simple soul; 有人相信灵魂不灭。 some people believe that the spirit is immortal
  • 触及,涉及:    touch on./upon


  1. The internet just like the bubble over the water , seldom make us heart moving
  2. Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue
  3. Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue
  4. Things themselves touch not the soul , not in the least degree ; nor have they admission to the soul , nor can they turn or move the soul : but the soul turns and moves itself alone , and whatever judgements it may think proper to make , such it makes for itself the things which present themselves to it



        触及灵魂的韩语:(1)심금을 건드리다. [사상·의식과 사회의 문화·풍속·습관 따위를 건드린다는 뜻으로, 모택동은 문화 대혁명이 이러한 대혁명이라 인정했음] (2)(문화 대혁명 기간 중에) 비판을 받거나, 비판회를 열다.


  1. "触及传感器"英文
  2. "触及对方场区"英文
  3. "触及旧创"英文
  4. "触及开动中的机器或触及以机器制造中的物件"英文
  5. "触及空间"英文
  6. "触及某人的弱点, 打中某人的痛处"英文
  7. "触及某人的痛处"英文
  8. "触及某人的痛处,刺痛某人的心"英文
  9. "触及坡角"英文
  10. "触及球网装置"英文


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