解放: liberate; emancipate大学: college; university图解放大: graphical enlargement开放大学: the open university大进军 解放大西北: the liberation of northwest china解放: liberate; emancipate 解放后 after liberation; 解放区 liberated area; 解放区工会 trade unions in the liberated area; 解放生产力 liberate the productive forces; emancipate the productive forces; unfetter the productive forces; unleash inhibited [pent-up] productivity; 解放思想 emancipate the mind; free oneself from old ideas; emancipate one's thinking; 解放前 before liberation; 把妇女从受歧视的待遇中解放出来 emancipate women from discriminative treatment; 获得最后解放 achieve final emancipation; 这部新机器将把我们从繁重劳动中解放出来。 this new machine will emancipate us from the hard work 解放军理工大学学报: journal of pla university of science and technology解放军理工大学训练部: training department of technology university of pla中国人民解放军国防大学: pla national defense university; pla university of national defence中国人民解放军军医大学: medical college of the pla中国人民解放军兽医大学: university of veterinary medicine of the chinese pla中国人民解放军信息大学: information university of the chinese people’s liberation army第三世界开放大学: open university of the third world亚洲开放大学协会: aaou; asian association of open universities英属哥伦比亚开放大学: british columbia open university解放军理工大学训练部继续教育处: technology university of pla training department continuing education office解放军信息工程大学计算机系(一系): computer department one of information engineering university of pla中国人民解放军第二军医大学: no.2 medical college of the chinese pla中国人民解放军第四军医大学: no.4 medical college of the chinese pla中国人民解放军军医大学学报: journal of medical colleges of pla评上一类大学的有开放大学: open university放大: amplify; magnify; boost; enlarge; blow up; gain; amplification; enhancement; multiplication; magnification; magnifying 把照片放大 have a photograph enlarged; 本位主义是放大了的个人主义。 departmentalism is magnified individualism. 大照片常由小照片放大而成。 an enlargement is often made from a small photograph解放军理工大学通信工程学院教育技术中心: educational technical center of communication engineering college of technology university of pla大不列颠哥伦比亚开放大学: british columbia open university解放党: hizb-ut-tahrir; national liberation party; palipehutu; peace and liberation party; pln解放丛刊: ediciones de la liberacion