

发音:   用"角质膜"造句
  • cutin membrane
  • 角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; ho ...
  • :    membrane
  • 角质膜形成:    cuticularization
  • 角质膜蒸腾:    cuticular transpiration
  • 质膜:    cell membrane; ectosarc; plasma membrane; plasmalemma; plasmamembrane; plasmic membrane; plasmolemma


  1. The particular characters of leaf epidermis of s . buxifolium which were different from the other species in syzygium such as s . grijsii were that the shape of epidermal cells was generally polygonal with the nearly straight pattern of anticlinal walls , the wax ornamentation of the cuticular membrane of the leaf epidermis and the surface of the guard cell was all cavemulous , obviously scaly
  2. In the 25 species examined , the epidermal cells fall into four types in terms of their shape and the pattern of the anticlinal wal ls . these types correlate to some extent with features of gross morphology , palynology and plant geography of the ten genera studied . features of cuticular membrane can be used to differentiate clearly the two genera physochlaina and hyoscyamus , and some species within them
  3. The anatomical and ultrastructural research in the cotyledon of antirrhinum majus indicated : cutin membrane and sparse epidermal trichome occurred on the surface of cotyledon . stomata protruded appreciably over the epidermis , the ratio of palisade mesophyll and spongy mesophyll was low , the previous evidence showed structural charecater of shade leaf
  4. The anticlinal walls are rather straight , or sinuolate , sinuous and sinuate . the inner margin of the outer stomatal rim under sem is nearly smooth , or sinuolate and sinuous . the cuticular membrane of epidermis under sem is often striate , or simultaneously striate , granular and scaly , occasionally only granular and scaly , or even totally smooth


        角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; ho ...
        :    membrane
        角质膜形成:    cuticularization
        角质膜蒸腾:    cuticular transpiration
        质膜:    cell membrane; ectosarc; plasma membrane; plasmalemma; plasmamembrane; plasmic membrane; plasmolemma
        角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; horn; horny substance◇角质板 shield; horny lamina; 角质产品 keratose; 角质蛋白 keratoprotein; 角质肥厚 acanthokeratodermia; 角质风向盘 horn card; 角质化 cutinization; cornification; keratization; 角质节 horny knot; 角质墨水瓶 inkhorn; 角质素 keratan; 角质下层 subcuticula; 角质纤维素 cutocellulose; 角质牙 horny tooth; 角质眼镜框 horn-rims; 角质组织 collenchyme
        质膜;原生质膜:    plasmalemma
        胞质膜:    cystorrhexis membrane; cytoplasmic membrane
        钙质膜:    calcareous film
        基质膜:    basal plasma membrane
        胶质膜:    colloidal film
        介质膜:    dielectric coating; dielectric film; dielectric layer
        均质膜:    homogeneous membrane
        外质膜:    ectoplast; external plasma membrane
        异质膜:    heterogeneous membrane
        釉质膜:    adamantine membrane
        质膜体:    plasmolemmasome
        原生质外膜 胞质膜 质膜:    plasmamembrane
        表皮;角质:    ctuicle
        层角质:    cutin
        角质癌:    horny cancer
        角质板:    horny lamina; horny plate
        角质杯:    corneal cap
        角质柄:    horn handle
        角质层:    cuticle; horny layer; corneum; [植物学] cuticula◇角质层分离(症) keratolysis; 角质层蜡质 cuticular wax


  1. "角质硫酸盐尿"英文
  2. "角质瘤"英文
  3. "角质毛囊性栓,毛囊性角栓"英文
  4. "角质霉菌属"英文
  5. "角质煤素质"英文
  6. "角质膜形成"英文
  7. "角质膜蒸腾"英文
  8. "角质墨水瓶"英文
  9. "角质木节"英文
  10. "角质囊肿"英文


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