

发音:   用"角质柄"造句
  • horn handle
  • 角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; ho ...
  • :    handle
  • 角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; horn; horny substance◇角质板 shield; horny lamina; 角质产品 keratose; 角质蛋白 keratoprotein; 角质肥厚 acanthokeratodermia; 角质风向盘 horn card; 角质化 cutinization; cornification; keratization; 角质节 horny knot; 角质墨水瓶 inkhorn; 角质素 keratan; 角质下层 subcuticula; 角质纤维素 cutocellulose; 角质牙 horny tooth; 角质眼镜框 horn-rims; 角质组织 collenchyme
  • 表皮;角质:    ctuicle
  • 层角质:    cutin


  1. Mr bloom promptly did as suggested and removed the incriminated article , a blunt hornhandled ordinary knife with nothing particularly roman or antique about it to the lay eye , observing that the point was the least conspicuous point about it


        角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; ho ...
        :    handle
        角质:    keratin; ceratine; cutin; horn; horny substance◇角质板 shield; horny lamina; 角质产品 keratose; 角质蛋白 keratoprotein; 角质肥厚 acanthokeratodermia; 角质风向盘 horn card; 角质化 cutinization; cornification; keratization; 角质节 horny knot; 角质墨水瓶 inkhorn; 角质素 keratan; 角质下层 subcuticula; 角质纤维素 cutocellulose; 角质牙 horny tooth; 角质眼镜框 horn-rims; 角质组织 collenchyme
        表皮;角质:    ctuicle
        层角质:    cutin
        角质癌:    horny cancer
        角质板:    horny lamina; horny plate
        角质杯:    corneal cap
        角质层:    cuticle; horny layer; corneum; [植物学] cuticula◇角质层分离(症) keratolysis; 角质层蜡质 cuticular wax
        角质叉:    cuneuscorneus
        角质匙:    ivory spoon
        角质的:    corneous; cornified; horny; keratic; keratinous; keratose
        角质钉:    cuticular peg
        角质冠:    cuticular crown
        角质化:    keratinization
        角质环:    cuticular ring
        角质脊:    cuticular crest; cuticular ridge
        角质节:    horny knot
        角质蜡:    cuticular
        角质鳞:    cuticular squama; horny scale; hornyscale; squama cornu
        角质瘤:    keracele; keratoma; keratoncus
        角质膜:    cutin membrane
        角质鞘:    keratinized sheath
        角质栓:    horn plug; keratin plug
        角质素:    ceratin; chitin; cutin; keratan; keratin; pyrrolidone carboxylic acid(sodium pca); sodium pca(pyrrolidone carboxylic acid)


  1. "角质 表皮质"英文
  2. "角质癌"英文
  3. "角质板"英文
  4. "角质杯"英文
  5. "角质表皮透明蛋白"英文
  6. "角质残植煤"英文
  7. "角质侧鞘"英文
  8. "角质层"英文
  9. "角质层, 表皮, 上皮"英文
  10. "角质层[由角质和蜡质共同组成"英文


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