

[ jiàndào ] 发音:   "见道"的汉语解释   用"见道"造句
  • seeing the true way
  • :    see; catch sight of
  • :    road; way; route; path
  • 见得:    (看出来; 能确保) know; seem; appear (只用于否定式或疑问式) 何以见得? how so? 明天不见得会下雨。 it doesn't look as if it's going to rain tomorrow. 怎么见得他来不了? how do you know he can't come? 这片稻子不见得比那片差。 this plot of paddy doesn't seem to be any worse than that one
  • 见到许多眼熟但是叫不出名字的鱼:    there's my fishes which i'm familiar with but i don't know their names
  • 见登留:    mitoru


  1. Virtuous acts that are motivated by the desire for nibb na lead to such favourable rebirths and finally to the path and nibb na through contemplation or hearing a discourse
  2. A person reborn with these innate tendencies can attain absorption and psychic powers if they practise tranquillity meditation , or the noble path and nibb na if they devote themselves to insight meditation


        :    see; catch sight of
        :    road; way; route; path
        见得:    (看出来; 能确保) know; seem; appear (只用于否定式或疑问式) 何以见得? how so? 明天不见得会下雨。 it doesn't look as if it's going to rain tomorrow. 怎么见得他来不了? how do you know he can't come? 这片稻子不见得比那片差。 this plot of paddy doesn't seem to be any worse than that one
        见到许多眼熟但是叫不出名字的鱼:    there's my fishes which i'm familiar with but i don't know their names
        见登留:    mitoru
        见到新雇员:    with a new employee
        见底回升:    bottom out
        见到巫师:    necromancer
        见底回升;停泻回升:    bottom out
        见到我们的脚蝇:    a forlorn and shipwrecked brother
        见地:    insight; judgment 很有见地 have keen in sight; show sound judgment; 对某事物有新的见地 get a fresh insight into ..
        见到谈话人的形象:    unimedia


        见道的俄语:pinyin:jiàndào путь видения (darsana-mārga; первая из 三乘 трёх ступеней на пути к спасению или состоянию будды)
        见道什么意思:洞彻真理;明白道理。    ▶ 《汉书‧翼奉传》: “圣人见道, 然后知王治之象, 故画州土, 建君臣, 立律历, 陈成败, 以视贤者, 名之曰经。”    ▶ 清 袁枚 《随园诗话补遗》卷十: “诗有见道之言, 如 梁元帝 之‘不疑行舫往, 惟看远树来’; 庾肩吾 之‘只认己身往, 翻疑彼岸移’;两意相同, 俱是悟境。”   ...


  1. "见到谈话人的形象"英文
  2. "见到我们的脚蝇"英文
  3. "见到巫师"英文
  4. "见到新雇员"英文
  5. "见到许多眼熟但是叫不出名字的鱼"英文
  6. "见得"英文
  7. "见登留"英文
  8. "见底回升"英文
  9. "见底回升;停泻回升"英文
  10. "见地"英文


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