As you dance you pretend you are not practically naked, and you are what is accepted as virtuous but men call cold . 你跳舞时,装成实际上并不是裸体的,而是人们所公认的符合道德的样子,但男人认为不够味儿。
裸体: naked; nude的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...裸的,裸体的: bare裸体的单元: the naked cell裸体的玛哈: la maja desnuda裸体的马哈: la maja desnuda裸体的猿: 07-naked ape裸体的;无遮敝的: naked允许裸体的沙滩,裸体浴沙滩区。: free beach裸体: naked; nude 裸体画 a painting of a nude; nude; 裸体像 a nude figure; a nude statue; 他画过裸体模特儿。 he has painted nude models.; 裸体模特 nude model; 裸体人物画 painting of nude figure; 裸体主义 nudomania; nudism 裸体画: nude; nudity裸体狂: a person obsessed with nudity裸体像: a nude statue裸体者: nude男裸体: male nude体的: corporic; extremital碧昂丝裸体: beyonce nude成为裸体: nakedize赤身裸体: in one's birthday suit; in the buff害怕裸体: fear of nudity角裸体密技: life or death 2露出裸体书: nudity裸体宝贝: nude babes裸体报新闻: naked news裸体长厅: nude restaurant