允许: permit; allow; enable; allow ...裸体: naked; nude的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...沙滩: sand bank; sands rapids; sho ...浴: bath; bathe区: H region; H裸体的: denudate; gymn=naked; nude; savage; sky-clad; undressed裸体: naked; nude 裸体画 a painting of a nude; nude; 裸体像 a nude figure; a nude statue; 他画过裸体模特儿。 he has painted nude models.; 裸体模特 nude model; 裸体人物画 painting of nude figure; 裸体主义 nudomania; nudism 裸的,裸体的: bare裸体的单元: the naked cell裸体的玛哈: la maja desnuda裸体的马哈: la maja desnuda裸体的猿: 07-naked ape河道中的沙滩: hirst静悄悄的沙滩: sleepy lagoon沙滩: [地质学] sand; sandbeach; seabeach; sandy beach裸体的;无遮敝的: naked我可以做你的沙滩: i could be your sea of sand延绵细白的沙滩: long soft white beach在广漠的沙滩上: on the bare expanse of the beach裸体画: nude; nudity裸体狂: a person obsessed with nudity裸体像: a nude statue裸体者: nude男裸体: male nude