

[ páozhàor ] 发音:   "袍罩儿"的汉语解释
  • long gown worn over a robe
  • 袍子:    robe; gown 皮袍子 fur robe
  • 袍泽同僚:    fellow-officers; fellow-soldiers
  • 袍笏登场:    dress up and go on the stage; a high official in former days, reporting at his new post taking a position of power; act a part on the stage; go up to the palace, yamen, headquarters with staff office and in official garb; said of a puppet upon his take-over
  • 袍泽,军官同僚。:    brother officer
  • :    跑动词[书面语] (走兽用脚刨地) dig ground with foot or hoof


        袍子:    robe; gown 皮袍子 fur robe
        袍泽同僚:    fellow-officers; fellow-soldiers
        袍笏登场:    dress up and go on the stage; a high official in former days, reporting at his new post taking a position of power; act a part on the stage; go up to the palace, yamen, headquarters with staff office and in official garb; said of a puppet upon his take-over
        袍泽,军官同僚。:    brother officer
        :    跑动词[书面语] (走兽用脚刨地) dig ground with foot or hoof
        袍泽:    [书面语] fellow officers
        跑,冲:    rush=run
        袍母:    grand mother
        跑online:    talesrunner
        袍菌:    thermotogae



  1. "袍菌"英文
  2. "袍母"英文
  3. "袍泽"英文
  4. "袍泽,军官同僚。"英文
  5. "袍泽同僚"英文
  6. "袍子"英文
  7. "袍笏登场"英文
  8. "跑"英文
  9. "跑,冲"英文
  10. "跑online"英文


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