a clear conscience in the still hours of the night; do nothing that one can be ashamed of even if there is no one watching; no shame felt under the shadow of the coverlet
衾: quilt影: shadow无: not have; there is not; be w ...惭: feel ashamed无惭: ahrikya无惭外道: saivites影无形: the untouchable无影无形: immaterial; impalpable; incorporeal; without a trace; without form or substance无影无踪: not the least trace was found.; disappear completely; fly to the winds; gone clean; not a trace to be seen; there is no sign of ...; vanish without a trace; without any trace or sign; without a trace无影无踪地: without a trace驱散无影无踪: flight 2电影无声配角演员: super numerary而你总是无影无踪。: and you are always gone无影无踪, 什么也没有: neither hide nor hair消失,变得无影无踪: fly to the winds; go to the winds消失得无影无踪: disappeared without a trace; into the blue消失得无影无综: vanish without a trace斜轴投影无变形线: oblique rhumb line; obliquerhumbline不知去向, 消失得无影无踪: disappear into thin air; melt into thin air; vanish into thin air化为乌有, 消失得无影无踪: vanish into the void逃逸在无影无形之中: vanish into nowhere但你醒来时爱却无影无踪了: one day you wake up gone without a trace我变得无影无形,融化在寂静的夜里: i become invisible i melt away at night像流水中的花瓣漂得无影无踪: shadowy faces known in dreams pass as petals uponastream因为有个幻影无声无息地爬过: because a vision softly creeping
衾影无惭的韩语:【성어】 아주 정직하다. 양심에 조금도 부끄러울 것이 없다. [‘独行不愧影, 独寝不愧衾’(홀로 가면서 자기 그림자에 대해서도, 홀로 자면서 자기 이불에 대해서도 부끄럽지 않다) 송사(宋史)·채원정전(蔡元定傳)에서 유래한 말임] =[衾影无愧]衾影无惭的俄语:pinyin:qīnyǐngwúcán не стыдиться (даже) собственной тени и своего одеяла (обр. в знач.: быть чистым перед своей совестью)衾影无惭什么意思:qīn yǐng wú cán 【解释】衾:被子。指行为光明,问心无愧。 【出处】南朝齐·刘昼《新论·慎独》:“故身恒居善,则内无忧虑,外无畏惧,独立不愧影,独寝不愧衾。”《宋史·蔡元定传》:“贻书训诸子曰:‘独行不愧影,独寝不愧衾,勿以吾得罪故遂懈。’” 【拼音码】qywc 【用法】偏正式;作谓语;指行为光明,问心无愧 【英文】a clear conscience in the sti...