因为: because; for; on account of有: 5年 fifteen years幻影: phantom; ghost; rainbow; unr ...无声无息: soundless and stirless; acco ...地: the earth爬: crawl; creep过: cross; pass因为那幻觉又无声无息地: because a vision softly creeping因为有个幻影趁我熟睡时轻轻爬进来: because a vision softly creeping无声无息: soundless and stirless [motionless]; accomplish nothing and have no influence on the external world; without any sound 湮没在无声无息之中 pass into silence湮没在无声无息中: pass into silence湮没在无声无息之中: pass into silence拖着你的是无声无息的责备: dragging behind you the silent reproach无声无臭: be completely unknown [unrecognized]; a person who is unknown to fame and without notoriety; be of no reputation; obscure; soundless and odourless因为一个幻影趁着我熟睡时轻轻的爬起来: because a vision softly creeping悄无声息地: on cat paws; without a sound无声幻影: silent image你只是一个幻影: you're just an illusion因为有你: because of your love; thanks to you ..因为有危险: it is dangerous because of因为有证据: evidence电影无声配角演员: super numerary爬过: get over因为有你而精彩: tsd因为有你在身边: because you're near me