

发音:   用"表面径流"造句
  • overland flow
  • overland folw
  • overland runoff
  • overlandflow
  • overlandfolw
  • surface running fluid


  1. 4 ) numerical simulation running of surface runoff shows simulation results presented the general features of surface runoff generation , and certain efficiency . after adjusting the input parameters , the simulation results show a good meet to the observed data
    4 )表面径流的数值模拟能揭示表面产流的一般趋势,而且有一定的有效性,通过调整模拟输入参数,能使模拟达较理想程度。
  2. When soil antecedent condition is dry and the initial rainfall intensity is high , peak surface runoff also considerably lag behind that of rainfall , because of the formation of temporary relative impermeable top layer ; b ) surface runoff is controlled primarily by infiltration - excess runoff mechanism under unsaturated condition ; the major fraction of surface runoff are dominated by saturated infiltration - excess runoff response , only a small fraction by return flow mechanism when soil is saturated ; c ) subsurface flow is dominated by saturated runoff mechanism , and the duration of subsurface post the rainfall end is dependent upon rather the soil properties than the rainfall characteristics ; d ) subsurface flow intensity in cultivated soil layer ( 0 ~ 20cm ) is high up to 35mm / h when rainfall intensity is up to 120mm / h , indicating the existing of macropores and pipe flow in cultivated layer
    2 )耕作制下紫色土的产流主要机制是: 1 )当雨前土壤含水量未达到饱和状态时,表面产流起始时间有明显滞后现象,这与紫色土的快吸水性和较多非毛管孔隙密切相关;当雨前土壤较干燥,降雨初期雨强较大时,易形成临时相对不透水表层,表面产流峰也有明显滞后现象。 2 )表面径流的产流方式主要是超渗产流,当土壤达到饱和状态后,有四川大学博士学位论文小部分回归流发生,但主要是饱和超渗产流发生,因为紫色土的相对不透水层和其它透水障碍层不明显。 3 )壤中流主要是饱和产流,与降雨过程有明显的滞后,而且雨停后的壤中流产流历时与降雨特征无关。
  3. The objectives of this study were : i ) to understand the mechanism of applying polyacrylamide ( pam ) to control crust formation , to increase infiltration and reduce soil erosion ; and ii ) to quantify the dynamics of soil erosion processes with rare earth elements ( ree ) tracers
    本文的目的是研究利用聚丙烯酰胺( pam )作为土壤改良剂来抑制土壤表面结皮,增加降水入渗,减少土壤表面径流,降低土壤侵蚀;同时采用稀土元素( ree )示踪土壤侵蚀的动态过程,研究土壤侵蚀的动力学机理。




  1. "表面精整"英文
  2. "表面精整的清洁性试验方法"英文
  3. "表面经沥青处理的碎石"英文
  4. "表面经碳化处理的辊子"英文
  5. "表面镜像"英文
  6. "表面竞争抑制"英文
  7. "表面净化"英文
  8. "表面净化,表面去污,表面解吸"英文
  9. "表面举行层"英文
  10. "表面聚值集"英文


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