Study on runoff calculation method in beijing mountainous 北京地区坡面径流计算模型的比较研究
The results show that the precision of the model is well , but the influence to the precision of the model in the prediction of field runoff can ' t be ignored 分析结果表明,该模型应用于小面积径流计算时精度很高,但在进行野外坡面径流量的预测时,不能忽略控制面积的大幅扩大对模型预测精度的影响。
The slope runoff fem analysis program is developed based on the saint - venant equations . the numerical solutions are compared with the analytical solutions and the experiment data and the characteristic line method solutions , the result validate of the program 编制了基于saint - venant控制方程的坡面径流的有限元分析程序,利用解析解和试验数据证明了程序的正确性。
( 4 ) wavy distribution of soil water along hillslope resulted from the fluctuation of runoff , upslope runoff infiltration , lateral downslope flow , and the difference of infiltration rate and evapotranspiration ( 4 )土壤水分沿坡面呈“波浪形”分布是坡面径流的波动性、上方来水(径流)的沿程入渗、侧向沿坡向下流以及坡面各处入渗性能和蒸发蒸腾作用的差异等综合作用的结果。
Based on abundant rainfall in minjiang river basin and frequent floods have brought great losses on agriculture production , national economy etc , the relationship between soil and water losses and rainfall characteristics was studied in four forest lands , viz 本文针对闽江流域上游降雨丰富的特点,运用坡面径流小区法研究了杉木林、封山育林、锥栗林、果园和裸露地(对照)的水土流失与天然降雨的关系。