You will find that answer only in the library of the cicadas . 只有到蝉鸣图书馆里你才能找到答案。
In summer season maemi cicada chirps , when typhoon attacks korea 鸣蝉韩国夏季当有台风吹袭时常有蝉鸣。
Departing from weeks of cold weather in the mountains where the hong kong center resides , a brilliantly sunny day was taken in through master s extra blessing and initiates diligent meditation . the songs of birds and insects rose one after another , making a grand chorus 当天天气一反常态,山上连续数星期的微寒尽消,在师父的爱力加持和同修的努力打坐下,换来一片春日暖,蝉鸣鸟语此起彼落互相呼应分外响亮。
蝉: cicada鸣: cry蝉鸣雀噪: the chirping of cicadas and sparrows蝉鸣时分: oyashirosama蝉鸣性呼吸: stridulousbreathing蝉鸣之时: higurashi no naku koro ni蝉鸣聒耳: cicadas filled the air with their singing暮蝉鸣泣时: higurashi no naku koro ni寒蝉鸣泣之时: higurashi no naku koro ni; oyashirosama蝉鸣之时广播剧: higurashi no nakukoroni蝉鸣之时角色cd: higurashi no nakukoroni蝉鸣之时音乐集: higurasi no nakukoroni蝉鸣之时原声集: higurashi no nakukoroni蝉鸣之时主题曲: higurashi no nakukoroni-matsuri寒蝉鸣泣之时 解: higurashi kai寒蝉鸣泣之时解: higurashi no naku koroni kai蝉联主席民族进步统一集团党: national progressive unionist party蝉联冠军: perennial champion蝉联法: anadiplosis蝉联: continue to hold a post [title]; stay on a position for another term 多次蝉联世界游泳冠军 win the world swimming championship several times running; 蝉联冠军 perennial champion蝉科昆虫黑蚱: cryptotympana pustulata fabricius
蝉鸣的法语:stridulation des cigales蝉鸣的韩语:[명사] 매미의 울음소리.蝉鸣的俄语:pinyin:chánmíng 1) пение цикады 2) первый месяц осени, седьмая луна (также в названиях сортов зерновых, созревающих к этому времени)