蜡烛: candle; bougie; slut不能: cannot; must not; should not ...两头: both ends; either end点: drop精力: energy; vigour; vim过分: going too far; excessive蜡烛不能两头点: all men can't be first; you cannot eat your cake and have it精力不可过分耗: you cannot burn the candle at both ends; you cannot eat your cake and have it蜡烛不能两头烧(勿过分消耗体力): you cannot burn the candle at both ends 过分耗费精力: to burn the candle at both ends; to poke one's nose into蜡烛切莫两头点意指: never light your candle at both ends不可过分消耗体力: never light your candle at both ends过分耗费: burn the candle at both ends不可过反应: irreversible reaction不可过份: one should not pass the boundary of propriety不可过滤的: non filterable; non-filterable精力不够的: undynamic精力不足: anenergia我不能永远这么过分地消耗精力: i can't burn the candle at both ends forever; we could make beautiful music together切切不可过份: be sure not go too far过分消耗精力: no.to burn the candle at both ends力不能及: be beyond one's capacity [strength]; be beyond [out of] one's depth; be unequal to one's task; strength is not equal to duties力不能胜: beyond one's ability力不能支: unable to stand the strain any longer; too weak to stay on one's feet一根蜡烛两头烧: burn the candle at both ends