

  • mongol invasions of europe
  • 蒙古:    Mongolia
  • 侵略:    invade; aggress; aggression; ...
  • 欧洲:    Europe
  • 侵略:    invade; aggress; aggression; invasion 侵略别国 invade another country; aggress on [against] another country; commit aggression against another country; 侵略成性 be aggressive by nature; 经济侵略 economic invasions; 文化侵略 cultural invasions; 侵略国 aggressor (nation); 侵略军 aggressor troops; invading army; 侵略扩张 aggression and expansion; 侵略行为 act of aggression; 侵略战争 invasive war; 侵略政策 the policy of war; 侵略者 aggressor; invader; 侵略罪 crime of aggressive war
  • 古侵蚀面:    fossil erosion surface




        蒙古:    Mongolia
        侵略:    invade; aggress; aggression; ...
        欧洲:    Europe
        侵略:    invade; aggress; aggression; invasion 侵略别国 invade another country; aggress on [against] another country; commit aggression against another country; 侵略成性 be aggressive by nature; 经济侵略 economic invasions; 文化侵略 cultural invasions; 侵略国 aggressor (nation); 侵略军 aggressor troops; invading army; 侵略扩张 aggression and expansion; 侵略行为 act of aggression; 侵略战争 invasive war; 侵略政策 the policy of war; 侵略者 aggressor; invader; 侵略罪 crime of aggressive war
        古侵蚀面:    fossil erosion surface
        蒙古:    mongolia◇蒙古包 ger; yurt;蒙古人 mongolian;蒙古野驴 chigetai;蒙古野马 przhevalski's horse; przewalski's horse;蒙古语 mongol;蒙古族 mongoloid;moggol nationality
        不侵略:    nonaggression
        反侵略:    anti aggression; anti-aggression
        侵犯,侵略:    invasion
        侵略,进攻:    aggression
        侵略的:    aggressive; incursive
        侵略地:    aggressively
        侵略国:    aggressor country
        侵略军:    invading army
        侵略性:    aggressiveness; aggressivity◇侵略性贸易政策 aggressive trade policy
        侵略者:    invader
        侵略罪:    crime of aggression
        入侵,侵略:    invade
        欧洲:    europe 欧洲大陆形成过程 continentalization; 欧洲共同市场 european common market; 欧洲共同市场科技网 euronet; 欧洲共同体 european communities; 欧洲国际银行 european banks of international company (ebic); 欧洲海外开发基金组织 european development fund for overseas countries and territories; 欧洲货币 euro-currency; euromoney; 欧洲货币单位 european monetary unit; 欧洲货币合作基金 european monetary cooperation fund; 欧洲货币市场 euro-currency market; 欧洲货币市场信贷 eurocredits; 欧洲货币体系 european monetary system; 欧洲货币同盟 european monetary union; 欧洲货币协定 european monetary agreement; 欧洲货币一体化 european monetary integration; 欧洲经济共同体 the european economic community (e.e.c.); 欧洲美元 eurodollar; 欧洲情报网 the european information net work (ein); 欧洲协同体 the concert of europe; 欧洲信用卡 eurocheque; 欧洲议会 european parliament; 欧洲银行 eurobank; 欧洲债券 eurobond; 欧洲政治 euro-politics; 欧洲中心主义 europocentrism; 欧洲专利权 europatent; 欧洲资金 eurofund
        被侵略者, 侵略受害者:    victim of aggression
        卡蒙古:    kamungu
        库蒙古:    koumongou
        蒙古斑:    mongolian spot
        蒙古包:    a mongolian yurt; yerta; yertb; yertc; yertd; yerte; yertf; yertg; yerth; yurt
        蒙古病:    mongolism


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