On the religion of mongols in ming dynasty 关于明代蒙古人的宗教信仰
The first great warrior leader of the mongols ? or great khan ? was genghis 蒙古人的第一位伟大的战斗首领,也称大汗,是成吉思汗。
These worship not only contain the aesthetic interest of the mongolian people but also embody their abundant cultural connotation 这些崇拜既熔铸了蒙古人的审美情趣,又蕴藏着蒙古人极为丰富的文化内涵。
From a series of rituals before and after death , we can see mongolian ' s calm attitude towards death , which embodied religious belief and outlook on life 从蒙古族人临终前后的一系列仪式中,我们可以看到蒙古人对待死亡的从容态度,这些仪式也集中体现了蒙古人的宗教信仰和人生观。
Being part of a culture known for its good cheer , candidness and sophisticated vocal art , the mongolian practitioners are also wonderful singers . whenever they have a chance , they sing out loud and let their strong , sweet voices soar above the clouds 蒙古人的个性开朗大方,每个同修都是唱歌的高手,一有机会他们就引吭高歌,雄厚和甜美的歌声像是在云端上飘啊飘的,非常好听。
蒙古人: Mongolian的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...象蒙古人的: mongoloid蒙古人: mogul; mongolian; mongolla; mongols; the mongol和蒙古人: mongol黄种;蒙古人种: mongoloid嫁给蒙古人: to marry a mongolian bi ainaha seme gūwa de tusurak蒙古人民党: mongolian people's party蒙古人名: mongolian name蒙古人种: the mongolian stock; mongoloid◇蒙古人种性状 [人类学] mongoloid蒙古人种的: mongoloid; xanthous草原蒙古人家: mongolianfamiliesontheprairie喀尔喀蒙古人: khalkha-mongolians蒙古人种性状: mongoloid内蒙古人民党: inner mongolian people's party蒙古人民革命党: mongolian people's revolutionary party; mprp蒙古人种,黄色人种: mongoloid race内蒙古人民出版社: inner mongolia people's publishing house属于蒙古人种的人: mongolian; mongoloid蒙古人民革命纪念日: anniversary of the people`s revolution (mongolia); mongolia anniversary of the people's revolution日 蒙古人民革命纪念日: anniversary of the people`s revolution (mongolia)古人: the ancients; our forefathers住于美国西部的蒙古人种之一种族: kalmuck蒙古轻枪骑兵: mongol light lancers蒙古青年联合会: mongolian youth federation蒙古侵略欧洲: mongol invasions of europe