Few women have had the stature to control a government in the history of china . however , some have exercised critical political influence over the emp . . 历史几据都有十个权倾天下的女人内容有关坐拥实权控制政局的女性,例如:慈禧太后,吕后,孝庄皇后,萧太后,太平公主武则天女儿等等。
萧: desolate; dreary太后: mother of an emperor; empres ...太后: mother of an emperor; empress dowager; queen mother薄太后: empress dowager bo高太后: gao taihou胡太后: empress dowager hu (xiaoming)皇太后: empress dowager王太后: the queen mother韦太后: wei taihou西太后: empress dowager cixi; the empress dowager; xi tai hou慈安太后: empress dowager ci'an慈禧太后: empress dowager cixi慈禧太后传: a life of the empress dowager cixi大辽太后: daliao tai hou两宫皇太后: two dowagers隆裕太后: empress dowager longyu太后吉祥: tai hou ji xiang太后下嫁: empress dowager xiaozhuang太皇太后: grandma-empress提摩太后书: 2 timothy; second epistle to timothy昭宪皇太后: empress shōken西太后与珍妃: the imperial lady皇太后宫大夫俊成: kotaigogu no daibu toshinari已故朱莉安娜王太后: queen-mother juliana英国悼念伊丽莎白王太后: britain remembers the queen mother