慈: kind; loving禧: auspiciousness; happiness; j ...太后: mother of an emperor; empres ...传: commentaries on classics慈禧太后: empress dowager cixi清朝慈禧太后垂帘听政几十年: the empress dowager of the qing dynasty attended to state affairs for several decades慈禧: empress dowager cixi; tz'u-hsi后传: back pass; minus pass太后: mother of an emperor; empress dowager; queen mother后传, 背传: back pass后传球: back pass后传统: post-traditional向后传: pass back薄太后: empress dowager bo高太后: gao taihou胡太后: empress dowager hu (xiaoming)皇太后: empress dowager王太后: the queen mother韦太后: wei taihou西太后: empress dowager cixi; the empress dowager; xi tai hou萧太后: empress xiao慈禧坐火车: ci x i zuo huo che少女慈禧: ape慈禧秘密生活: ci xi mi mi sheng huo背后传球: around-the-back pass; behind-the-back pass