英: flower汉: the Han Dynasty the Han nati ...词典: dictionary新英汉词典: a new english-chinese dictionary一本英汉词典: an english chinese dictionary改进英汉词典中的语法信息: on grammatical information in english-chinese dictionaries论学习型英汉词典的编纂原则: on the compiling principles of learners' english-chinese dictionaries英汉词典中例证翻译的象似性原则: iconicity of the example translation in english-chinese dictionaries协议英汉词汇: csta英汉词条体例: the structure of english-chinese entries英汉词汇搭配对比分析: comparison of vocabulary collocation in english and chinese英汉词汇的文化差异研究: on cultural difference of english and chinese vocabulary英汉词汇的文化意蕴对比: the comparison of the cultural implications between chinese and english words英汉词汇文化内涵的差异: the differences between english and chinese words in terms of cultural connotation英汉词汇文化内涵探析: difference of cultural connotations between english and chinese words出品的英汉互译词典: language translator新编英汉汉英军事词典: ammunition identification英汉金属塑性加工词典: an english-chinese dictionary of metalforming简析英汉词汇文化内涵的差异: cultural connotation differences between english and chinese words论英汉词汇中色彩词的语义: semantics on color terms浅谈英汉词汇的文化涵义不等值现象: on the non- corresponding phenomenon of word connotations in english and chinese浅谈英汉词汇的文化内涵差异: cultural differences between english words and chinese words浅析英汉词汇的文化内涵差异: analysis of cultural differences in english-chinese vocabulary文化差异引起的英汉词语的不等值现象: unequal phenomena of english-chinese words and expressons caused by cultural difference英汉词化对比与综合表达法: contrastive study of chinese and english lexicalization and synthetic expression