出品: produce; manufacture; make的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...英: flower汉: the Han Dynasty the Han nati ...互: each other; mutual译: translate; interpret词典: dictionary英汉互译的词义差异: lexical gaps in chinese and english inter-translation; lexical gaps in translation英汉互译中的理解障碍: hindrances in the inter translation of english and chinese翻译等值理论在英汉互译中的应用: application of translation equivalence in english-chinese and chinese-english translation论英汉互译中词汇空缺产生的原因: on the reasons of lexical gaps in english-to-chinese and chinese-to-english translation论英汉互译中的绝对不可译性: on untranslatability in translations between english and chinese自动翻译词典: automatic dictionary公司出品的: siemens新英汉词典: a new english-chinese dictionary英汉词典: an english-chinese dictionary英汉的幽默互译: inter-translation of humor of english and chinese英汉谚语的互译: inter-translation of english and chinese proverbs一本英汉词典: an english chinese dictionary藏汉互译中的文化差异之窥见: cultural difference on translation between tibetan language and han language黎出品的圣大菲: aanta fe好莱乌出品的电影巨片: blockbuster微软公司出品的web浏览器: internet explorer英汉拟声词的修辞功能与互译: rhetorical function and translation of onomatopoeia between english and chinese出品: 1.(制造) produce; manufacture; make 大连化工厂出品 manufactured [made] by dalian chemical plant2.(产品) product 新出品 a new product