- glean
- 苦心: trouble taken; pains
- 搜集: collect; gather; spicilegium
- 苦心: trouble taken; pains 一片苦心 with great pains; 苦心钻研 serious study and investigation; 她煞费苦心教育她的子女。 she took great pains in educating her children
- 搜集: collect; gather; spicilegium 搜集标本 collect specimens; 搜集民歌 collect folk songs; 搜集情报 gather information; 搜集意见 solicit opinions; 搜集工人反映 canvassing worker's reactions; 他搜集了大量稀奇古怪的消息。 he collected a quantity of curious information
- 苦心病: bitter pit