

发音:   "苦心经营"的汉语解释   用"苦心经营"造句
  • mastermind with painstaking effort; be elaborative in the undertaking; manage painstakingly; painstakingly build up (an enterprise, etc.); rack one's brains for ways and means to try making the enterprise a success; take great pains to build up; work out with unsparing efforts 短语和例子


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  1. Some wore the cunning look of bargaining and plotting .
  2. The garment store they so painstakingly built up also ended in failure .
  3. At the end, he ground out the enormous "biography of george washington" .
  4. He didn't resent taking pains to assure the financial security of his family .
  5. The plan i took so much trouble about has fallen through


        苦心经营地:    elaborately
        苦心经营地,精巧地:    elaborately ad
        你苦心经营的爱还是碎了:    you've built a love but that love falls apart
        你把你苦心经营的东西拿来浪费:    what you build you lay to waste
        他们苦心经营的服装商店也以失败而告终:    the garment store they so painstakingly built up also ended in failure
        核心经营:    core business
        匠心经营:    original thought in creation
        精心经营:    elaboration
        心经:    heart channel; heart sutra
        苦心:    trouble taken; pains 一片苦心 with great pains; 苦心钻研 serious study and investigation; 她煞费苦心教育她的子女。 she took great pains in educating her children
        苦心病:    bitter pit
        苦心地:    painstakingly
        经营:    manage; operate; run; engage in 发展多种经营 promote a diversified economy; 改善经营管理 improve management and administration; 苦心经营 take great pains to build up (an enterprise, etc.); 经营厂矿 operate factories and mines; 经营管理不善 poor operation and management; 经营得法 with good management; 私人经营 under private management; 经营不善是倒闭的一个原因。 bad management was a cause of the failure. 她母亲开始经营一家小杂货店。 her mother began operation of a small grocery.; 经营比率 operating ratio; 经营才干 management competence; 经营策略 management tactic; 经营成本 operational cost; operating cost; 经营成果 business performance; economic performance; managerial efficiency; productive performance; 经营承包责任制 management contract responsibility system; 经营对策 management game; 经营范围 scope of business [operation]; 经营方针 management principle; 经营分析 operation analysis; 经营管理 management control; 经营管理决策权 decision-making power in operation and management; the decision-making right of operation and management; 经营管理权(限) powers for operation and management; the right of operation and management; 经营管理水平 managerial and administrative expertise; 经营管理系统 system of operation and management; 经营管理效率 efficiency of operation and management; 经营管理自主权 decision-making power in operation and management; 经营好坏 level of managerial competence; quality of management; success or failure of enterprise operation; 经营合伙人 working partner; 经营环境 management environment; 经营活动 business operations; operating activities; 经营机制 managerial mechanism; management system; 经营决策 managerial decisionmaking; 经营率 operating rate; 经营目标 management objectives; operations objective; 经营权 power of operation; 经营思想 ideas about business operation; management; management thought; 经营外汇业务 engage in all kinds of foreign exchange operations; 经营外汇业务许可证 licence for foreign exchange operations; 经营效率 business efficiency; 经营要素 management element; 经营原则 business principles; 经营责任制 responsibility system for operation; managerial [management] responsibility system; responsibility system in business operation; 经营战略 management strategy; 经营作风 business practice
        般若心经:    heart sutra
        处女心经:    oh! soo-jung
        地心经度:    geocentric longitude; geocentriclongitude
        核心经销商:    core dealer
        潜心经史:    inquire deeply into classics and history
        日心经度:    heliocentric longitude
        手少阴心经:    heart channel of hand shaoyin(h); heart meridian; the hand lesser yin heart channel; ht (who); the heart channel of hand-shaoyin
        心经失血:    hemorrhage from heart meridian
        心经有热:    the accumulated heat in the heart
        心咳,心经咳嗽:    cough due to involvement of the heart channel; cough involving heart meridian
        玉女心经:    anms; yunu-xinjing
        苦心孤诣:    try hard to (do); make [have; register] a notable achievement after extraordinarily persistent and painstaking efforts; make extraordinarily painstaking efforts; notable achievement after persistent work; toil single-heartedly; with patience and enduring resolve; work with a bitter heart and make progress single-handed 为了改造环境, 他苦心孤诣地制订了这个计划。 in order to transform their environment, he drew up the project with painstaking accuracy
        苦心莲-上集:    bitter lotus


        苦心经营的法语:travailler à développer ses entreprises avec beaucoup d'application et de persévérance;s'imposer un travail pénible et persévérant pour gérer son entreprise;faire qch en se donnant beaucoup de ma
        苦心经营的日语:ku3xin1jing1ying2 苦心惨?5675する
        苦心经营什么意思:kǔ xīn jīng yíng 【解释】用尽心思去筹划安排。 【出处】清·梁启超《新中国未来记》第四回:“但专制政体不除,任凭你君相恁地苦心经营,民力是断不能发达的。” 【拼音码】kxjy 【灯谜面】抱着黄连做生意十过中军帐 【用法】偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于军事、商业等 【英文】painstakingly build up an enterprise,etc.


  1. "苦心"英文
  2. "苦心病"英文
  3. "苦心的着作"英文
  4. "苦心地"英文
  5. "苦心孤诣"英文
  6. "苦心经营地"英文
  7. "苦心经营地,精巧地"英文
  8. "苦心莲-上集"英文
  9. "苦心莲-下集"英文
  10. "苦心思索"英文


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