

[ gǒuqiětōuān ] 发音:   "苟且偷安"的汉语解释   用"苟且偷安"造句
  • seek a moment's peace however one can; be content with temporary ease and comfort; lead a mere vegetative [animal] existence; live in a fool's paradise; seek temporary peace; seek ease and comfort at the expense of principles
  • 苟且偷生:    drag out an ignoble existence; keep alive without serious ambition; live (on) just for the sake of remaining alive; (philistine philosophy) of a mere vegetative existence
  • 偷安:    seek temporary ease 偷安旦夕 take ease at dawn and evening; 苟且偷安 seek only temporary ease and comfort
  • 苟且:    1.(得过且过) drift along; be resigned to circumstances; muddle along 因循苟且 cling to the habitual ways and muddle on [along]2.(马虎; 敷衍) slovenly; muddle with [through]; perfunctorily; carelessly 决不能苟且行事。 never just muddle through your work.3.(不正当的) illicit (sexual relations); improper
  • 偷安旦夕:    take ease at dawn and evening
  • 偷安逾闲:    seek ease and comfort without high aspirations; be content with an easy life


  1. Everyone in the company is supposed to work hard , not to lie on a bed of roses
  2. To act according to causes and conditions means to act in the interests of others
  3. Far better it is to dare mighty things , to win glorious triumphs , even though checkered by failure , than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat


        苟且偷生:    drag out an ignoble existence; keep alive without serious ambition; live (on) just for the sake of remaining alive; (philistine philosophy) of a mere vegetative existence
        偷安:    seek temporary ease 偷安旦夕 take ease at dawn and evening; 苟且偷安 seek only temporary ease and comfort
        苟且:    1.(得过且过) drift along; be resigned to circumstances; muddle along 因循苟且 cling to the habitual ways and muddle on [along]2.(马虎; 敷衍) slovenly; muddle with [through]; perfunctorily; carelessly 决不能苟且行事。 never just muddle through your work.3.(不正当的) illicit (sexual relations); improper
        偷安旦夕:    take ease at dawn and evening
        偷安逾闲:    seek ease and comfort without high aspirations; be content with an easy life
        苟且了事:    dispose of sth. perfunctorily; do a thing carelessly
        苟且求安:    be resigned to circumstances; settle for ease and comfort
        苟且求活:    lacking foresight and sueing for live; preserve one's life at all costs
        无聊苟且:    careless; idle and sluggish; remiss
        因循苟且:    cling to the habitual ways and muddle on 2
        决不能苟且行事:    never just muddle through your work. illicit
        苟全:    preserve (one's own life) at all costs
        苟全性命:    preserve one's own life at all costs; barely manage to survive; manage to stay alive with sacrifice of principles; save one's own skin
        苟神星:    111 ate
        苟枢岛:    cu xu island
        苟评家:    critic


        苟且偷安的法语:ne rechercher que la tranquillité du moment;s'endormir dans une sécurité trompeus
        苟且偷安的韩语:【성어】 눈앞의 안일만 탐내며 되는대로 살아가다. =[草间求活]
        苟且偷安的俄语:[gǒuqiě tōu’ān] обр. влачить существование; жить только сегодняшним днём
        苟且偷安什么意思:gǒu qiě tōu ān 【解释】只顾眼前的安逸,不顾将来。 【出处】清·张春帆《宦海》第二十回:“做大员的这样苟且偷安,做属吏的又是那般逢迎得意。” 【示例】南宋覆灭,显然是统治者~、自取灭亡的结果。 【拼音码】gqta 【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义 【英文】drag out an ignoble existence


  1. "苟评家"英文
  2. "苟且"英文
  3. "苟且了事"英文
  4. "苟且求安"英文
  5. "苟且求活"英文
  6. "苟且偷生"英文
  7. "苟全"英文
  8. "苟全性命"英文
  9. "苟神星"英文
  10. "苟枢岛"英文


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