Three independent maturity genes were shown to influence the critical night length for floral initiation . 证明有三个独立的成熟度基因影响着花发端的临界夜长。
This article reviews the recent research advances of floral formation ( including floral induction , identification of inflorescence , floral evocation and floral morphogenesis ) in plants ( taking example by arabidopsis and antirrhinum ) 摘要以拟南芥、金鱼草为例,介绍了近几年植物成花(包括成花诱导、花序分生组织的组成、花发端、花器官发生及发育)研究的一些进展。
花: flower; blossom; bloom发端: make a start; initiative; in ...发端: make a start; initiative; inception◇发端话务 outgoing traffic; 发端通信业务 outgoing traffic; 发端型 ancestrula发端,起源: origination发端的: inchoative; initiative发端局: originating office; origination exchange发端口: transmit port发端型: ancestrula始发端: originating terminal首创,发端: initiative n. the first movement or act which starts sth. happening原发端: originating terminal冰花发菜羹: black mo with light syrup; black moss with light syrup电花发火器: electric igniter火花发生器: spark generator火花发送: spark sending火花发送机: spark sender; spark transmitter水花发生器: spark generator发端(信号)暂存器: originating register,or发端标志器: originating marker,om发端长话局: originating toll exchange发端地址: originating address发端点码: originating point code发端端局: originating local exchange发端分裂: distrix发端个体: originating entity