色彩: colour; hue; tint; colourati ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...共: common; joint; mutual; gener ...感性: perceptual色彩的: chromatic; colorific; coloristic; colourific共感性调节: consensual accommodation共感性检查: empathy test共感性脑膜炎: meningitis sympathica; sympathica meningitis(色彩的)浓淡: shade n. degree or depth of colour带色彩的: tinted多色彩的: multicoloured富色彩的: colorful; colourful富有色彩的: colorful强调色彩的: painterly色彩的搭配: the scheme of colors色彩的调和: symphony色彩的调配: a colour scheme eg for a room so that the colours in its decor match色彩的对比: color contrast色彩的感情: feeling of color色彩的嗜好: color preference色彩的同化: color assimilation烧入色彩的: encaustic无色彩的: non chromatic共感性瞳孔反射: consensual pupillary reflex带修辞色彩的: rhetorical