舞蹈: dance演员: actor or actress member女舞蹈演员: woman who dances professionally often in a group首席舞蹈演员: premier dancer舞蹈演员, 跳舞者: dancer舞蹈与舞蹈演员: dance and dancers舞蹈演员的纯情: daenseoeui sunjeong体型确实不错的舞蹈演员: a dancer who is really built舞蹈演员柔美的动作: the sinuous movements of the dancer通常只有训练有素的舞蹈演员才会劈叉: usually only a trained dancer can do the splits演员: actor or actress; performer 芭蕾舞演员 ballet-dancer; 舞蹈演员 dancer; 杂技演员 acrobat; 演员表 cast 舞蹈: dance◇舞蹈编导 choreography; 舞蹈动作 dance movement; 舞蹈家 dancer; 舞蹈设计 choreography; 舞蹈演员 dancer; 舞蹈艺术 dancing arts〔蔑称〕演员。: play actor当演员: go on the stage 他不再读书而去当演员了。 he gave up his studies and went on the stage讲演员: lecturer刘烨 (演员): liu ye盲演员: a blind actor名演员: star男演员: actor女演员: actress手演员: hand talent小演员: bit player演员表: billing; cast of characters; starring演员部: central casting演员的: histrionic