体型: habitus; somatotype; physiqu ...确实: true; reliable; demonstratio ...不错: correct; right的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...舞蹈演员: dancer确实不错: edifie 06-02-20女舞蹈演员: woman who dances professionally often in a group确实不错, 不坏, 不错: not bad; not so bad通常只有训练有素的舞蹈演员才会劈叉: usually only a trained dancer can do the splits首席舞蹈演员: premier dancer舞蹈演员, 跳舞者: dancer舞蹈与舞蹈演员: dance and dancers舞蹈演员的纯情: daenseoeui sunjeong他的按摩技术确实不错: he is really quite skilled in doing massage舞蹈演员柔美的动作: the sinuous movements of the dancer不错的: nice; okay; right确实不值得: really don't deserve it我确实不知道: i don't know for certain不错的歌曲: sunshine in the rain不错的文章: about pll from ieee不错的英文: track85不错的站点: myptc很不错的: well很不错的是: good thing挺不错的: be hunky-dory