

[ gāoyú ] 发音:   "膏腴"的汉语解释   用"膏腴"造句
  • [书面语] (肥沃) fertile
  • 膏腴之地:    fertile soil; productive land; fertile land
  • 膏肓:    1.(古代医学把心尖脂肪叫膏, 心脏和隔膜之间叫肓) the region below the heart 病入膏肓。 the disease has attacked the vitals -- beyond cure.2.[穴位] gaohuang (b 43)
  • :    名词(羔子) lamb; fawn; kid 鹿羔 fawn
  • 膏子:    [口语] medicinal extract
  • 羔脖褥子:    lamb neck plate


  1. There are productive lands everywhere in this province
  2. Although be in today , the woman of a few tribe returns africa in a branch and tress of clay be classified , in order to show land fertile and be closely bound up of big ground mother
  3. There are one district , 2 municipalities and 14 countiesunderitsjurisdiction . it covers an are a of 20 , 510 square kilometers with a populationof , 955 , 700 . linfen lies in semi - arid and semi - humid temperate continental monsoon climatezone . the annual average temperature is 8 . 1 - 12 . 1 . the precipitation here is 453 . 9 - 688 . 4mm , with annual frost - free period of 125 - 191 days . the favourable climate creates quite advantageous conditions for the agricultural production . main gricultural products are grain and cotton and various industrial crops . the resources of agricultural byproducts are abundant , especially in the central linfen basin , known as the fertile land and the hometown of cotton and wheat
    农业以粮棉和多种经济作物为主,农副产品资源丰富,特别是中部临汾盆地,土质肥沃,气候温和,物产丰富,素称“膏腴之地”和“棉麦之乡” ,是山西省棉麦生产基地之一,主产小麦棉花玉米豆子红薯西瓜等,山区县盛产红枣核桃还旃


        膏腴之地:    fertile soil; productive land; fertile land
        膏肓:    1.(古代医学把心尖脂肪叫膏, 心脏和隔膜之间叫肓) the region below the heart 病入膏肓。 the disease has attacked the vitals -- beyond cure.2.[穴位] gaohuang (b 43)
        :    名词(羔子) lamb; fawn; kid 鹿羔 fawn
        膏子:    [口语] medicinal extract
        羔脖褥子:    lamb neck plate
        膏滋剂:    plaster for internal use
        羔唱秦歌:    the ninth heavfh
        膏滋:    soft extract
        羔耳褥子:    lamb ear plate
        膏状粘合剂, 粘合膏:    paste adhesive


        膏腴的日语:〈書〉(土地が)肥えている.肥沃である. 膏腴之地/肥沃な土地.
        膏腴的韩语:[명사]【문어】 기름짐. 비옥함. 膏腴之地; 비옥한 땅
        膏腴的俄语:pinyin:gāoyú жирный, плодородный, тучный (о земле)
        膏腴什么意思:gāoyú 〈书〉肥沃:~之地。


  1. "膏状粘合剂, 粘合膏"英文
  2. "膏滋"英文
  3. "膏滋剂"英文
  4. "膏子"英文
  5. "膏肓"英文
  6. "膏腴之地"英文
  7. "羔"英文
  8. "羔脖褥子"英文
  9. "羔唱秦歌"英文
  10. "羔耳褥子"英文


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