- 1.(古代医学把心尖脂肪叫膏, 心脏和隔膜之间叫肓) the region below the heart 短语和例子
病入膏肓。 the disease has attacked the vitals -- beyond cure.2.[穴位] gaohuang (b 43)
- 病入膏肓: disease has spread to the vital organs -- regarded as hopeless.; be at death's door from one's illness; be a wreck and rotten to the core; be incurably sick; be past treatment; catch one's death of a cold; fatal disease; be mortally [critically] ill; beyond all hope; beyond remedy; have no hope of recovery; the disease has attacked one's very vitals -- beyond cure.; the illness has taken deep root in one's lean (and weak) body.; the illness is now deeply rooted in one's system
- 泉石膏肓: a deep-rooted love for natural charms
- 这个病人已病入膏肓没有多少痊愈的希望了: the patient has contracted a fatal illness. there is little chance of his recovery
- 膏腴: [书面语] (肥沃) fertile
- 膏子: [口语] medicinal extract