In other words the whole spectrum of levels is just like that of an alkali turned upside down . 换句话说,整个能级谱恰好就像是上下颠倒的碱金属能级谱一样。
Now there are three kinds of quantum phenomena which relate to the classical chaos : ( 1 ) energy level statistics 目前,人们已经发现与经典混沌有关的量子现象主要有三类,能级谱统计特征。
An atomic smictufal model for c ( 2x2 ) reconstruction is proposed and a total energy calculation illustrates that the hollow - site - occupied si adatom model might be a possible atomic structure of the c ( 2x2 ) reconstruction 光电子发射谱被用于研究界面形成过程中出zp 、 hf4f芯能级谱和价带谱,以及功函数等的变化。
We have studied two type of perfect potentials ( a dirac interaction and nonzero distance interaction ) existing between the two particles . the spectrum statistics and the corresponding classical system action have been given 计算了粒子间存在两种理想短程作用势(占作用势和非零距离作用势)的情况,给出了系统的能级谱统计分布。
When there is nonzero distance interaction , the classical is pseudointegrable , but the spectrum statistics transfer from poission distribution to goe distribution , that mean quantum system is non - integrable 通过数值方法计算系统的量子能级,发现能级谱统计分布却由poisson分布逐渐过渡到goe分布,出现了量子混沌现象,这个结果与一般情况下经典和量子的对应关系不符。
能级: energy level谱: table; chart; register能级: [物理学] energy level 费密能级 fermi level; 基态能级 ground state level 感光级谱: step wedge单扫描级谱法: single-sweep polarography第二级光谱,第二级谱: second order spectrum第一级光谱,第一级谱: first order spectrumk能级: k levell能级: l level; l-level磁能级: magnetic energy level; magnetic level次能级: sub level; sublevel低能级: l-level; low level; low-lying level多能级: multiple level高能级: high level; high-level; upper level功能级: degree of function光能级: light level; optical power level核能级: nuclear energy level; nuclear level; nuclearenergylevel基能级: ground level空能级: empty energy level; empty level; unoccupied level; vacant energy level; vacant level零能级: zero energy level满能级: occupied level内能级: inner energy level; inner level能级差: energy level difference能级数: population of levels能级图: energy diagram; energy level diagram; energy-level diagram; energyleveldiagram; level scheme